biological, social and cognitive influences on gender development
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biological, social and cognitive influences on gender developmentbiological, social and cognitive influences on gender development

biological, social and cognitive influences on gender development biological, social and cognitive influences on gender development

Ultimately, Freud theorized that an individuals psychosomatic distress (physical symptoms that occur due to psychological distress) was a manifestation of internal conflicts. The next step is learning that there are shared qualities and behaviors for each gender (Bussey, 2014). What is the focus of cognitive approaches? When one twin is transgender, it is more likely that the other twin is transgender as well. Finally, we will end by taking a brief, but important, glance at various biologically based theories of gender development. Biological sex: genetialia and genes (XX or XY); gender that a person is assigned based on biological traits at birth; male or female biological traits Gender: physical, social, and behavioral characteristics tied to being male or female Gender identity: the gender a person identifies as; male, female, nonbinary 2. Why do we consider multiple approaches when trying to explain something in psychology? Freud considered the talking cure of Anna O. to be the origin of psychoanalytic therapy and what would come to be called the cathartic method. So how does this work for girls if they do not have a penis to fear castration of? So, as we very briefly review this, our focus will be on the different brain structures that impact specific aspects of learning. Gender schema theory, although largely a cognitive theory, does incorporate some elements of social learning as well. As children watch and observe, they learn what behaviours are associated with the gender they identify with. While there was significant research done on females, less research was done on males. Manner and style of behavior and physical gestures and other nonverbal actions identified as masculine or feminine. As children get older, their corrective feedback becomes subtler. Although this may seem logical at the surface level, it does not account for what we see in more egalitarian homes and cultures. Critics suggest that, although biology may play some role in gender identity development, the environmental and social factors are perhaps more powerful in most developmental areas, and gender identity development is no different. Sex differences in psychology are differences in the mental functions and behaviors of the sexes and are due to a complex interplay of biological, developmental, and cultural factors.Differences have been found in a variety of fields such as mental health, cognitive abilities, personality, emotion, sexuality, and tendency towards aggression.Such variation may be innate, learned, or both. The influence of nutrition on child development can be seen in areas such as physical and cognitive health. It should be noted that the amount of rigidity to gender norms of the behavior being modeled is also important (Perry & Bussey, 1979). Then we uncovered two cognitive-based theories Kohlbergs theory and gender schema theory. What do out-groups suggest about others not in the in-group? This theory also accounts for the entire lifespan when considering development, which is drastically different than earlier theories, such as psychodynamic theories, which focused on childhood and adolescence. 3.6: Cultural and Societal Influences on Child Development is shared under a not declared license and was authored . How do children develop their gender identity in their in-group? Thus, the conflict is resolved (McLeod, 2008; Sammons, n.d.). These stages relate to their age and understanding of gender. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Socially and culturally, clothing is symbolized identity for everyone. According to biological theories, psychological and behavioral gender differences are. Furthermore, the authors point out that the social-cognitive theory is based on psychological and socio-structural determinants operating within the society. First, declarative episodic learning is learning that occurs by observing or modeling behavior, which requires an individual to be able to verbally recall what has been observed. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. Further, given that this came down to survival of the fittest it made sense to divvy up tasks and important behaviors. Schemas are abstract cognitive structures, like a mental toolbox containing information about various things. True or false? This then influences the child to conform more to gender-traditional expectations (e.g., boy stops playing with a doll and picks up the truck). Ultimately, until the Phallic stage, Freud viewed development to be the same for both boys and girls. He theorized that children actively seek out information about their environment. Lets look at a few of those factors. However, growing evidence has led to a new conception of psychosexual development as a result of genetic, hormonal, and psychosocial influences. As such, the focus educators place on children can have lasting impacts. So, what does this have to do with Freuds stages and theory? She noted that ones family can strongly influence their development (or lack thereof) of this complex. The biological factors that impact the child's development significantly are, gender, physical health, mental health, and health practice. Research has also revealed that prosocial behaviors are encouraged more in girls, than boys (Garcia & Guzman, 2017). Cognitive studies use a range of methods such as case studies, questionnaires, lab experiments and interviews to find out about what thought patterns we have and what these mean for us. If not, no worries, we are about to have a crash course to catch you up! By ten months, infants can associate certain objects with . Nature and nurture play important roles and to ignore one is to misunderstand the developmental process (Magnusson & Marecek, 2012). Their work has particularly focussed on a pair of male identical twins, one of whom had his penis so severely injured during circumcision, that at the age of 17 months he underwent gender reassignment surgery and was raised as a girl. The gender of the child, while in the developed countries, does not impact as much as it does in developing countries. However, there are rare exceptions to this rule. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. Here is a closer look at nutrition and gender and how they affect development. Clarify how Freud theorized gender and how his theory applies to gender in psychology. Does gender behaviour have an evolutionary basis? The book's current empirical focus is complemented by a lively and readable style that includes anecdotes about children's everyday experiences. What is Kohlberg's theory of gender identity development? They include hunger, thirst, self-preservation, and sex. These stages are: Gender Identity Gender Stability Gender Constancy Let's take a deeper look at each stage now. Post an explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis.Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one's perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. The problem with his theory is children begin to recognize gender and model gender behaviors before they have the cognitive capacity for gender constancy (remember all that we learned about how infants show gender-based knowledge?). If a little girl is playing with a truck and looks over and sees three girls playing with dolls, she may put the truck down and play with the dolls. Cognitive approaches focus on our thought processes, and how they can explain our behaviors and certain psychological phenomena. Social Science Sociology Summarize what we know about biological, social, and cognitive influences on gender development. Biologically oriented theories, such as that of John Money and Anke Ehrhardt, have focused on the many genetic, anatomical, and hormonal differences between the sexes as providing the major basis for the gender role distinctions shown by . Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. Parental expectations can have significant impacts on a childs own beliefs and outcomes including psychological adjustment, educational achievement, and financial success (Bvunzawabaya, 2017). Marie-Christine Jamet. In 1935, Bertha was diagnosed with a tumor, and in 1936, she was summoned by the Gestapo to explain anti-Hitler statements she had allegedly made. Biological Psychological And Social Factors This book looks at causative reasons behind creative acts and stylistic expressions. To use the cognitive approach to explain gender and its development, we must first base our theories on the assumption that gender identity is a cognitive concept, that it is something within our minds and not something biologically determined or strictly behavioural. Module 4 - Gender Through a Developmental Psychology Lens, Other Books in the Discovering Psychology Series, Module 1: Foundations of A Psychology of Gender, Module 2 - Studying Gender Using the Scientific Method, Module 3 - Gender Through a Social Psychological Lens, Module 5 - Gender Through a Human Sexuality Lens, Module 6 - Gender Through a Cognitive Psychology Lens, Module 7 - Gender Through a Physiological Psychology Lens, Module 8 - Gender Through a Health Psychology Lens, Module 9- Gender Through a Clinical Psychology Lens, Module 10 - Gender Through an Educational Lens, Module 11 - Gender Through an Industrial-Organizational Lens,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You then go to the equipment and do the same exact thing! We will also learn about gender schema theory. This article reviews and integrates research on gender-related biological, cognitive, and social processes that take place in or between family members, resulting in a newly developed gendered family process (GFP) model. This was less based on sex and more on qualities of an individual, essentially using peoples strengths to the groups advantage. The unique cultural influences children respond to from birth, including customs and beliefs around food, artistic expression, language, and religion, affect the way they develop emotionally, socially, physically, and linguistically. Gender roles in development consist of biological, psychosexual, social learning and cognitive. There are 3 major theories of gender development: 1. She theorized that men tried to compensate for their inability to carry a child by succeeding in other areas of life (Psychodynamic and neo-Freudian theories, n.d.). In the social cognitive theory of gender, children's gender develops through the rewards and punishments from their parents for gender-appropriate behavior. Full-text available. Before then, lets be sure we have some important foundational knowledge of psychoanalytic theory. Clarify biological factors and how they relate to gender in psychology. What are two cognitive explanations of gender development? Outline strengths and weaknesses of these theories. Within this theory, it is assumed that children actively create their schemas about gender by keeping or discarding information obtained through their experiences in their environment (Dinella, 2017). Its 100% free. Other factors: Although there is strong evidence for a biological component to gender, other factors - such as cognitive factors and social learning - likely play a role as well. 60 terms. Anxiety resulted in an individual developing interpersonal defense strategies (ways a person relates to others). So, gender schemas make it easier to make decisions in the moment, regarding gendered behavior. As children develop, parents tend to also continue gender-norm expectations. The social learning theory plays a major role in gender development. Socially sensitive: A potential negative consequence of biological explanations of gender development is that it could reinforce harmful stereotypes. Biological factors play a huge role in shaping children's physical development. In fact, they found that this drug had cancer-related impacts out to three generations! Which of these groups of people do children tend to consider more favourable than the other? Although we are focusing on the negative, think about what could happen if we saw a shift in that focus! Again, you can see, very clearly, that there is an underlying assumption that healthy development equals heterosexuality, which is a major criticism of Freuds theory (Sammons, n.d.). Once a child can label their own gender, they begin to apply schemas to themselves. 4.1.1. Conservation is a child's cognitive ability to understand that even when a person's or object's appearances change, more stable properties such as mass and quantity do not change. Superordinate schemas guide information for gender groups whereas own-sex schemas guide information about ones own behaviors as it relates to their own gender group (Dinella, 2017). Overall, it is widely accepted that there are two types of schemas that are relevant in gender schema theory superordinate schemas and own-sex schemas. Since the brain makes up . Horney developed a Neo-Freudian theory of personality development that recognized some points of Freuds theory as acceptable, but also criticized his theory as being overly biased toward the male. In this module, we will focus on various theories that have attempted to explain gender development. Society has built particular images that display what a girl/boy should be like. They recognise how important of a role gender plays in society. Describe socialization theories regarding gender. When testosterone is present, the male sex organs begin to develop, and the hypothalamus changes so that, Initially developed by Sigmund Freud between 1890 and 1930, the, Freud proposes that children develop their. What are some biological, social, and cognitive influences on gender development? An environment that is unsafe and results in abuse, neglect, stressful family dynamics, etc. Essentially, the groups with the strongest DNA that allowed for the best traits for survival, survived. Okay, before we get too far, you are probably wondering how learning is related to biological theories. Consider this. Children get physical and psychological characteristics from their parents which becomes a part of their personalities. Consider hunger, and the associated rumbling of our stomach, fatigue, lack of energy, etc., that motivates us to find and eat food. According to Freud, our personality has three parts the id, superego, and ego, and from these our behavior arises. She relapsed and was admitted to Bellevue Sanatorium on July 1, eventually being released in October of the same year. In order to come to its conclusions, the essay examines the two approaches to gender development. Carl Jung proposes that the female gender identity develops through the Electra complex. When considering psychological theories of gender development, the age-old question is central to the conversation -- does gender identity develop due to nature or nurture? Explain how the socialization of gender occurs. However, each theory has a slightly different perspective on how that may occur. Similar to boys, the development of the superego allows the girl to resolve this conflict. A schema is our mental representation of a particular concept, an information package. Although Kohlbergs theory captures important aspects, it fails to recognize things such as how gender identity regulates gender conduct and how much one adheres to gender roles through their life (Bussey, 2014). Gender constancy includes multiple parts. Fourth is declarative procedural learning. Many studies used to support this theory are based on interviews with young children, which increases the likelihood of demand characteristics. Gender identity: refers to an individual's sense of their gender. (2015) suggested using a Gender schema theory describes how gender identities develop based on our schemas about that aspect of ourselves and others. First, libido is the psychic energy that drives a person to pleasurable thoughts and behaviors. Overall, psychoanalytic theory focuses on very early life experiences. gender roles) through observation and imitation and reward and punishment. Clarify how biology may impact gender development through evolution, genetics, epigenetics, and learning. The cognitive-developmental theory of gender development suggests that children adjust their view of gender based on the new information they receive as they mature. They also used this reasoning to predict what other children would like. This occurs somewhere between ages five and seven. Outline potential strengths and weaknesses of these theories. The same thing can happen with gender modeling applies to gender socialization. a child may develop a schema about dogs, that contains the knowledge that dogs are furry creatures with four legs. Social cognitive theories of gender development explain and theorize that development is dually influenced by (1) biology and (2) the environment. Our biological sex is determined at birth by our 23rd chromosome. What were the results of Thompsons' 1975 study? David Reimer is an example of one of these cases (Bevan, 2017). The second approach is socialization, whereby one theory will be examined: social learning theory. We can be genetically predisposed to many things such as mental illness, cancer, heart conditions, etc. View PSY_Gender from PSYCH MISC at Central Piedmont Community College. Freuds psychosexual stages of personality development are listed below. Morgan1023. Social relationships, including the gender of friends, and the people they decide to imitate. Please note that a person may become fixated at any stage, meaning they become stuck, thereby affecting later development and possibly leading to abnormal functioning, or psychopathology. Kohlberg (1966) and the gender schema theory (1981). A childs desire to fit into their in-group may be an evolutionary trait. There are many factors that may lead to the patterns we see in gender socialization. Ultimately, in this stage, boys begin to develop sexual desires for their mother and become jealous of their father. Moreover, when considering print media, we know that there tends to be a focus on appearance, body image, and relationships for teenage girls, whereas print media tends to focus on occupations and hobbies for boys. Within evolution-based theories, there are three schools of thought: sex-based explanations, kinship-based explanations, and socio-cognitive explanations. Is it the same across countries? Again, girls do not sit with their legs open, boys do not play with dolls, girls do not get muddy and dirty, boys do not cry, etc. Bertha, known in published case studies as Anna O., was expected to complete the formal education typical of upper-middle-class girls, which included foreign language, religion, horseback riding, needlepoint, and piano. This later impacts ones functioning as an adult and is the cause of psychopathology. What are the two cognitive theories of gender development? Biological, Psychological, and Behavioral Gender Differences in Men and Women Discussing why Psychological and behavioral gender differences are due to the bi. Moreover, the theory suggests that these things impact and interact with various factors (Bussey & Bandura, 2005). When we look at a particular topic in psychology from a particular psychological approach, it can be helpful to look at how other schools of thought also approach the same phenomenon. Freud refers to this as penis envy. Kim K, Joo YY, Ahn G, et al. Psychologists have identified several theories of gender development that can help answer this question. How we acquire gender identity. A child's interests and behavior is influenced by the parent or the authority . This insecurity then would lead to either (1) withdrawal from competing or (2) becoming more competitive (Harris, 2016). Give two examples of cognitive theories of gender. Another theory combines the theory of social learning with cognitive theories (we will discuss cognitive theories below). Module 4 - Gender Through a Developmental Psychology Lens by Washington State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. What is a methodological issue associated with conducting interviews with child participants? A weakness of this theory is that it is descriptive rather than explanatory. We then jumped into social-based theories of social learning theory and social-cognitive theory. Others incorporate modeling into their theory with some caveats. Teenagers experience biological, cognitive, and social changes during adolescence that can affect their gender role attitudes (Eagly & Wood, 2012 ). For example, boys are praised more for their educational successes (e.g., grades, skill acquisition) whereas girls are acknowledged for more domesticate-related qualities such as having a tidy work area (Eccles, 1987). If a boy sees his dad always doing lawn work, he may mimic this. For example, Most girls dont like trucks. Essentially, parents provided extra commentary in the story, and that commentary tended to include vast generalizations about gender. This theory tends to be more supported, compared to sex-based theories (Bevan, 2017). You can also view an educational YouTube video that summarizes Davids case ( as well as a short clip from an Oprah show in which Davids family appears on (linked here: Then, a rigid phase occurs in which things are very black or white, (or, girl or boy, if you will). Testosterone levels have been linked to sex-typed toy play and activity levels in young children. Clarify whether these influences are independent of each other, or whether they interact with each other. So how do peers socialize gender? Our life instincts, or Eros, are manifested through it and are the creative forces that sustain life. What do you do (lets assume the nice little instructions with pictures are not posted on the equipment)? there are studies that support the theory, such as a 1993 study by Liben and Signorella. Third is nondeclarative motor learning, which heavily involves the cerebellum. This results in the individual identifying with the same-sex parent, and adopting that parents behaviors, roles, etc. According to Kohlbergs theory of gender development, what do children develop at the age of three? Children are born in a family; inherit many traits and features from their parents. A female can never fully resolve penis envy, and if taken Freuds theory is to be taken literally, a female can never fully resolve the core conflict of the Phallic Stage and will always have some fixation and thus, some maladaptive development. The Oedipus complex is traditionally used to describe the development of boys. Similarly, females need higher levels of estrogen as well as oxytocin, which encourages socialization and bonding (Bevan, 2017). At what age do Martin and Halverson state children begin to develop a schema regarding their gender? The structure of personality. 4.3.1. Freud believed that consciousness had three levels 1) consciousness which was the seat of our awareness, 2) preconscious that included all of our sensations, thoughts, memories, and feelings, and 3) the unconscious, which was not available to us. It is theorized that we also are predisposed to gendered behavior and identification. Personality develops over five distinct stages in which the libido focuses on different parts of the body. However, by age 2, they show preferences. Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. For example, chromosomes (female XX, male XY), reproductive organs (ovaries, testes), hormones (oestrogen, testosterone). The book establishes a new cognitive theory of style and creativity in design and During puberty (between the ages of 10 and 16), young people experience another surge of hormones. The biological perspective is a way of looking at psychological issues by studying the physical basis for animal and human behavior. Both theories rely heavily on the influence of parents. Nature vs nurture: the debate in psychology suggests that our differences are due to natural (or genetic) predispositions or nurture (or environmental) influences. These infants are then raised as girls, but often become gender nonconforming. When observing a parent reading a book to their child, Gelman, Taylor, & Nguyen (2004) noted that parents used generic expressions that generalized one outcome/trait to all individuals of a gender, during the story. Which of these theories are NOT cognitive theories of gender development? When were cognitive approaches to psychology first introduced? Mothers modeled this behavior, and children later began to model the same behavior. You can simply find the choice that has the least amount of words, pick it, and youll ace the test (wouldnt that be nice?!). Recent studies have shown the possible role and interaction of neuroanatomic, hormonal, and genetic factors. Their understanding of their gender and that of the people around them increases. Suppose we use the cognitive approach to explain gender and its development. You walk into a gym for the first time. Content that was turned away was said to be repressed. Parents label gender even when not required. DES was prescribed to pregnant women in late 1940s through the early 1970s. Although Kohlberg indicated that modeling was important and relevant, he posited that it was only relevant once gender constancy is achieved. This theory has become increasingly prominent since the 1990s 1 and can be applied in educational settings as well as in socialization and play. Cognitive approaches focus on our thought processes and how they explain our behaviour and certain psychological phenomena. Sometimes referred to as the Electra Complex, Freud theorized that girls were upset and distressed that they had no penis (referred to as penis envy) and resented their mother for this. Biological processes produce changes in an individual's physical nature. Think about that for a moment infants are recognizing and matching gender before they can ever talk! He suggested that children begin to understand various complexities surrounding genders, such as how to identify the gender of others and the idea that gender is constant and does not change based on superficial factors such as clothing. However, recent studies suggest that 10% of registrants (in a national study) that were exposed to DES reported identifying as transgender or transsexual. As such, the groups that formed tended to be kin and shared similar DNA. Biological influences include. It is one of the major perspectives in psychology and involves such things as studying the brain, immune system, nervous system, and genetics. With time, Anna O. did recover from her hysteria and went on to become a prominent member of the Jewish Community, involving herself in social work, volunteering at soup kitchens, and becoming House Mother at an orphanage for Jewish girls in 1895. When was the gender schema theory developed? We will then take a very detailed look at various factors that impact gender socialization while also uncovering two common social theories social learning theory and social cognitive theory. 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