sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf
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sierra leone court act, 1965 pdfsierra leone court act, 1965 pdf

sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf

Defence of lunacy at preliminary investigation. Provision for continuance of criminal trial where a juror dies or becomes incapable. (1) A person charged with murder or treason shall not be admitted to bail, except by a Judge. 231. Persons charged with misdemeanour not to be acquitted if offence proved felony. When in the case of a trial before a judge with assessors the accused has pleaded to the indictment or, in the case of trial by jury, the accused has been given in charge of the jury, counsel for the prosecution shall open the case. B, well knowing that one H. C. did on Western the, .Province of Sierra Leone murder C. D., did on the.Day the West Area, of Sierra Leone and onProvince. In force: Yes. The purpose in developing a CCP is to provide refuge managers with a 15-year strategy for . Laws of Sierra Leone, 1960, Government Printer, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Vol. (3)Any document purporting to be an original report under the hand of a person gazetted as an examining officer. Any person charged with a criminal offence not punishable by death may at the time of being committed or referred fir trial by the Supreme Court, or at any time thereafter up to two clear days at least before the trial of such person, elect to be tried by a Judge alone and if any person so elects he shall be tried by a Judge alone instead of being tried by a Judge and Jury and in every such trial by a Judge alone, the Judge shall record in writing his decisions and reasons therefore. 50. (6) When two or more persons are charged with jointly receiving any property, and it is proved that one or more of such persons separately received any part of such property, such of the said persons as are proved to have received any part of such property may be convicted upon such charge. 60. At close of prosecution case Judge to inform undefended accused of his rights. Death sentence not to be passed on pregnant woman. 100. The names of jurors, who shall be dead, disqualified, or no longer resident in the district, shall be passed over by the Sheriff in forming a panel. b.the amount in which they and the person for whose arrest the warrant is issued are to be respectively bound; c.the Court before which the person arrested it to attend; and. 163. xYlCaj0_ZqsC( OU*IyM/^OT@:qxKsbIS :EApc4N( 108. If the accused or the defendant adduces in his defence any evidence other than evidence as to character, the prosecutor may adduce evidence in reply thereto. 171. 72. Nothing in sections 30 and 31 shall authorise any person, other than a Judge, to grant a warrant to search for a document in the custody of the Postal or Telegraph authorities or of any Telegraph Company. 84. (3)Where for any reason whatsoever the trial of the accused cannot take place on the day named on the warrant it shall be lawful for any Judge or Magistrate to extend by endorsement on the warrant the time stated thereon. In this Act, unless a contrary intention appears -. " Copy of indictment and notice of trial to be delivered to Sheriff. (6)where an information or indictment contains more than one count, the counts shall be numbered consecutively. command the said A. 227. PART VI - EXECUTION OF SENTENCES CAPITAL SENTENCES. Powers of Director of Public Prosecutions. In theCOURT AT To.(Keeper of Prison or constable). Judge only may authorize search in Post and Telegraph Offices. A. Therefore the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone should declare that law null and void by virtue of Section 171(15) of the Act No 6 of the . 245. CUSTOMARY JUSTICE As in many post-colonial countries, Sierra Leone has a dual legal system and this dualism is recognised in the 1965 Courts Act. No. (4) Coin and bank note may be described as money, and any averment as to money, so far as regards the description of property, shall be sustained by proof of any amount of coin or of any bank note, although the particular species of coin of which such amount was composed or the particular nature of the bank note shall not be proved; and in cases of embezzlement and obtaining money or bank notes by false pretences, by proof that the accused embezzled or obtained any coin or any bank note, or any portion of the value thereof, although such coin or bank note may have been delivered to him in order that some part of the value thereof should be returned to the party delivering the same, or to any other person, and such part shall have been returned accordingly. 78. The Magistrate shall have power and authority to summon persons to give on oath their full names, occupations, places of residence, and true answer relating to their qualifications as jurors when required for the purposes of this Act, and to commit to prison any person refusing to take an oath or affirmation, or to give evidence as aforesaid, and to order any persons to be taken into custody who shall willfully insult or interrupt the Magistrate, or otherwise misbehave and to commit every such offender to prison for a period not exceeding seven days. Whenever a Magistrate's Court issues a summons in respect of any offence other than a felony, it may if it sees reason to do so, and shall when the offence with which the defendant is charged is punishable only by a fine or by imprisonment not exceeding three months (whether with or without a fine) dispense with the personal attendance of the defendant, provided that he pleads guilty in writing or is represented by a legal practitioner. 1-56 PDF of Rules. (2) Except with the leave of the Court, no person other than a juror shall speak to or hold any communication with any member of the jury while the jury are considering their verdict. Arson, contrary to section 3 of the malicious Damage Act, 1861. (2) If two or more of the assessors are prevented from attending or absent themselves, the proceedings shall be stayed and a new trial shall be held with the aid of fresh assessors. in order to hear the statement which I propose to take from the said Now these are to command you to produce the said prisoner at.(place) at..m. there to continue until the said statement shall have been. The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. Ministers and Members of the House of Representatives; iii. 184. 5. : AND WHEREAS(name of prisoner) was on theday of 19.convicted before the.Court at..of murder and was thereupon by. Date of assent: 01 March 2065. Uttering forged document, contrary to section 6 (1) (2) of the Forgery Act, 1913. Arson, contrary to section 2 of the Malicious Damage Act, 1861. Search warrants may be executed outside jurisdiction of Court issuing them in certain cases. 8e Negocios. 66. (1) The superintendent of a mental hospital, prison or other place in which any person (hereinafter referred to as a criminal lunatic) is detained by virtue of an order made under section 71 or section 73, shall make a report to the Minister which shall be accompanied by a report by a medical practitioner at such times (not being less than once a year) and containing such particulars as the Minister may require, of the conditions and circumstances of every criminal lunatic in such mental hospital prison or place; and the Minister shall, at least once in every three years during which a criminal lunatic is detained in any mental hospital, prison or other place, consider the condition, history and circumstances of such criminal lunatic and determine whether he ought to be discharged absolutely or conditionally or otherwise dealt with. according to law may be dealt with in Sierra Leone, the offence may, subject to the provisions of section 53, be enquired into and tried at any place in Sierra Leone to which the accused person is first brought or to which he may taken thereafter. In the..Court at. To..(keeper of Prison or constable). Conditions precedent to trial of foreigners for offences committed in territorial sea. a.any valuable security which has been bona fide paid or discharged by any person liable to pay or discharge the same; or, b.any negotiable instrument or money which shall have been bona fide received by transfer or delivery by any person for a just and valuable consideration without notice, or without any reasonable cause to suspect, that it had been stolen or otherwise dishonestly obtained; or. If he refuses, the Court shall add a note of his refusal and the statement may be used as if he had signed or attested it. 54. (3) This section shall not prejudice or affect the trial of any act of piracy as defined by the law of nations. death was this day executed in the said prison (or as the case may be), and that on such examination I found that the said.was dead. Subsection (1) of section 13 of the principal Act is hereby amended as follows, a)by the insertion immediately before the word "cases" in line one of paragraph (aa) of the proviso thereto of the words "subject to the provisions of paragraph (a)"; and, b)by the substitution for the words "fifty pounds" in line three of paragraph (c) of the words "two hundred leones"; and. 147. 0000005969 00000 n Challenge to the array, Peremptory challenges. The accused shall sign or attest by his mark such record. 130. To.(keeper of Prison or constable). Control of Attorney-General over Criminal Proceedings. The Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1965 Date of commencement. A person who has been committed for trial shall be entitled at any time before the trial to have a copy of the depositions on payment of a reasonable sum not exceeding four cents for every seventy-two words, or, if the Court thinks fit, without payment. DATED of. Where a person is convicted of any felony or misdemeanour or any offence punishable by imprisonment (other than an offence for which the sentence is fixed by law) the Court may, in its discretion, sentence him to a fine in addition to or in lieu of any other punishment to which he is liable. or exemption from or qualification to the operation of the enactment creating the offence. 7. Other days thereafter receive, comfort, harbour, assist and maintain the said H. C. Statement of Offence Robbery with violence, contrary to section 23 (1) (b) of the Larceny Act, 1916. The Governor-General may at any time exempt and exclude by public notice any Judicial Districts from returning jurors. 228. institute and undertake criminal proceedings against any person before any court in respect of any offence against the law of Sierra Leone; take over and continue any such criminal proceedings that may have been instituted by any other person or authority; and. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) . Costs to be paid by prosecutor, in certain cases. 184. E. M., on theday of.atin the Western Area of Sierra Leone, sold, uttered, and published. 233. (3)If the defence does not employ counsel, the Court shall, at the close of the examination of each witness for the prosecution, ask the accused or the defendant whether he wishes to put any questions to that witness. 33. Note: Your non-appearance in Court will have no effect on the Sentence to be passed if you are convicted. I,(name) of(address), do hereby bind myself to. (3)The statement of offence shall described the offence shortly in ordinary language, avoiding as far as possible the use of technical terms, and without necessarily stating all the essential elements of the offence, and if the offence charged is one created by enactment shall contain a reference to the section of the enactment creating the offence. (1) If a person committed for trial in the Supreme Court other than on a charge of treason or murder shall not have been tried by the end of the next criminal sessions after the sessions to which he was originally committed he shall, if in prison, on his application made in the last day of such first mentioned sessions be admitted to bail unless it be made to appear to the Court on oath that the prosecution witnesses or any of Them could not have been brought before the Court before the end of that sessions. 205. Particulars of Offence, A. sentenced/ordered to pay a fine/sum/penalty of.. AND WHEREAS the said..has not paid the said fine/sum/penalty or any part thereof: Now these are to command you to make distress by seizure of the goods and chattels belonging to the, said.which may be found within the district ofand if the said, sum shall not be paid forthwith/within..days next after such distress/to sell the property distrained. Your non-appearance in Court will have no effect on the Sentence to be passed if you are convicted. 0000002570 00000 n I hereby declare my self surety/we hereby jointly and severally declare ourselves sureties said, (name of accused) that he will be and appear before the said, .Court when called upon to answer the charge against him and will continue so to appear. B., on of.atin Western Area of Sierra Leone, maliciously set fire. Procedure where entry not obtainable. 29. (3)Warrants issued by a Court of summary jurisdiction shall be enforced in other districts, either of the Western Area or Provinces, by the Magistrate having jurisdiction therein. Section 29 of the principal Act is hereby amended as follows. said accused is charged with..(set out charge as described summons). DATED of.19.. "(I authorise the execution of this warrant at any time. Part 1 contains general provisions. CERTIFICATE AND WARRANT UNDER SECTION 129, CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT, 1965. Sierra Leone. 156. 152. B., on theday ofatin the Western Area of Sierra Leone, did counsel, procure, and. anything unless you desire to do so, but whatever you say will be taken down in writing and may be given in evidence upon your trial. he, the said A. Subsection (1) of section 8 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of the word "Local" immediately after the word "Group" in line three thereof. Part 2 regulates summary trial; Part 3 preliminary investigations. of Act No. The provisions of section 105 shall apply in relation to the amendment of a charge brought against an accused person before a Court holding a preliminary investigation. (3) Such person may pay or tender to the officer having the execution of the warrant the sum therein mentioned together with the amount of the expenses of the distress up to the time of payment or tender, and thereupon the officer shall cease to execute the same. i. 188. SNi`U~? Revisin tcnica: Gil Armando Snchez Soto Universidad Iberoamericana Gerardo Luvano Rodrguez Universidad Regiomontana Instituto Tecnolgico de Nuevo Len . When the Court orders money to be paid by a person convicted upon summary conviction for a fine or penalty, and. Children and young persons accused of criminal offences shall be apprehended and tried in accordance with the provisions of the Children and Young Persons Act. The Laws of Sierra Leone on the Sierra Leone Web. 38. (2)Except where express provision is made to the contrary, every sentence shall be deemed to commence from, and to include the whole of the day of the date on which it was pronounced. Retrial of accused after discharge of jury. On of.. You should be present at the said time and place in order to hear the said statement made *(and to cross-examine the. njala university, school of social sciences Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Section 47 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after the word "makes" in the third line thereof, of the following words "or cases to be made". In cases where the right of reply depends upon the question whether evidence has been called for the defence, the fact that the person charged has been called as a witness shall not of itself confer on the prosecution the right of reply. Mutiny under the Sierra Leone Military Forces Act 1961 4. (Innuendo should be stated where necessary). In case of refusal may be imprisoned. 3. The omission to comply with any provision of this Part shall not make the execution of judgment of death illegal in any case where such execution would otherwise have been legal. Each list so prepared and delivered as aforesaid shall constitute the jurors' list for the district for which the same has been prepared, and shall come into operation on the first day of January in the next following year. (1) Where an enactment constituting an offence states the offence to be the doing or the omission to do any one of any different acts in the alternative, or the doing or the omission to any act in any one of any different capacities, or with any one of any different intentions, or states any part of the offence in the alternative, the acts, omissions, capacities or intentions, or other matters stated in the alternative in the enactment, may be stated in the alternative in the count charging the offence. (1) When in the course of a trial of preliminary investigation (but not an inquest) the Court has reason to believe that the accused or the defendant is of unsound mind and consequently unable to make his defence, it shall order the accused to be confined in a mental hospital for a period of thirty days for observation. By Major (Retired) Dr. Ishmail Pamsm-Conteh Sierra Leone's Parliament on 23 July 2020 amended The Public Order Act of 1965, (the Act No.46 of 1965). (2) A representative for the purposes of this Part need not be appointed under the seal of the corporation, and a statement in writing purporting to be signed by a managing director of the corporation, or by any person (by whatever name called) having, or being one of the persons having the management of the affairs of the corporation, to the effect that the person named in the statement has been appointed as the representative of the corporation for the purposes of this Part shall be admissible, without further proof, as. 0000003688 00000 n (2) Any person who commits on an aircraft operated by or on behalf of a company registered in Sierra Leone, any act which, if committed in Sierra Leone would be an offence shall be guilty of an offence of the same nature, and subject to the same punishment, as if the act had been committed in Sierra Leone. newspaper, falsely representing that A. (1) A person who alleges that an enactment or anything contained in or done under the authority of that or any other enactment is inconsistent with, or is in contravention of a provision of this Constitution, may at any time bring an action in the Supreme Court for a declaration to that effect. Certificate of superintendent of hospital to be evidence. Sierra Leone Citizenship Act, 1973 . Section 5 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after the word "suspend" in line two thereof of the words, "or revoke the appointment of'. Governor-General to make decision and communicate the same to the Judge. Part 4 provides for indictment and trial in . 2. 76. Variance between charge and evidence. (6)Where a corporation is charged with an offence triable on indictment or triable summarily, the corporation may, on arraignment before the Supreme Court or on being asked to plead by the Magistrate, as the case may be, enter in writing by its representative a plea of guilty or not guilty, and if either the corporation does not appear by a representative or, though it does so appear fails to enter any plea, the Court shall order a plea of not guilty to be entered and the trial shall proceed as though the corporation had duly entered a plea of not guilty. 42. the(describe prison or place) in our presence. (1) Order for payment of money. 9781315162461_webpdf_115322 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. b. 110. 19-20. Magistrates' Courts have limited jurisdiction. Periodical report of criminal lunatics. 32. 166. 193. (2) Where such evidence in rebuttal is given, counsel for the defence shall be entitled to comment on the evidence so given. 195. 30. 7. (Particulars to specify pages and lines complained of where necessary as in book). The Registrar of other proper officer shall deliver or cause to be delivered, to the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff, a copy of the indictment with the notice of trial endorsed thereon or annexed thereto, and if there are more parties charged than one as many copies as there are parties. (1) Where any person charged before a Magistrate's court with an offence triable upon indictment before the Supreme Court is committed for trial, and it appears to such Magistrate's Court after taking into account anything which may be said with reference thereto by the accused or the prosecutor, that the attendance at the trial of any witness who has been examined before it is unnecessary by reason of anything contained in any statement by the accused person, or of the evidence of the witness being merely of a formal nature, the Magistrate's Court shall, if the witness has not already been bound over, bind him over to attend the trial conditionally upon notice given to him and not otherwise, or shall, if the witness has already been bound over, direct that he shall be treated as having been bound over to attend only conditionally as aforesaid, and shall transmit to the Supreme Court a statement in writing of the names, addresses and occupations of the witnesses who are or who are to be treated as having been, bound over to attend the trial conditionally. If such money be directed to be paid by instalments and default is made in the payment of any one instalment, all instalments then remaining unpaid shall become immediately due. 90. do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge (or charges)? (4)Whenever security is taken under this section, the officer to whom the warrant is directed shall forward the recognisance to the Court. Notwithstanding the issuing of a summons, a warrant may be issued at any time before or after the time appointed in the summons for the appearance of the accused. Form, contents and duration of warrant. the offence of.and I consider it advisable to adjourn the examination into the said charge: Now these are to command you to receive the saidinto your custody and safely to keep him and, produce him before me, or theday of, .19and hereafter from time to time as may be notified to you by. Repealing the Act was a commendable thing by Parliament, as the Act had been seen as draconian by many because it had stood in Deposition of medical practitioner may be read as evidence. B. and C.D. d.the time at which he is to attend before the Court including an undertaking to appear at such subsequent times as may be directed by the Court. 109. (1) Where in the course of a criminal trial any member of the jury dies or is discharged by the Court as being through illness incapable of continuing to act or for any other reason, the jury shall nevertheless, subject to assent being given in writing by or on behalf of both the prosecutor and the accused and so long as the number of its members is not reduced below ten, be considered as remaining for all the purposes of that trial properly constituted and the trial shall proceed and a verdict may be given accordingly. Trial not to be continued in certain cases. A person convicted or acquitted of any act causing consequences, which together with such act constitute a different offence from that for which such person was convicted or acquitted, may be afterwards tried for such l mentioned offence, if the -consequences had not happened or were not known to the Court to have happened at time when he was acquitted or convicted. 36. 237. Accused or defendant to be called upon to plead. But that whatever you shall now say may be given in evidence notwithstanding such promise or threat. 10. (3)The length of any term of imprisonment imposed by the sentence of any Court shall be treated as reduced by any period during which the offender was in custody before sentence by reason only of having been committed for trial, or remanded, after arraignment. ) this section shall not be admitted to bail, except by person! 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